Wow!! 2 weeks has gone past so fast and only a week to go till Im back home. The first thing im going to do is kiss......... my bike!!! I miss her so much. The terrain here is Aussie is ideal for her. The dust and the sand go hand in hand with her. LOL!
I am so looking foward to my off. Gonna work my ass off with Foursounds and earn loads of
"KAA-CHING".(Well hopefully there's work that is). There's so much to do but I don't know where to start and each time when the time comes I always forget.( I need to create a to-do-list).
Besides that...I still miss my band. We haven't been jamming nor performing. I miss making music and screaming my heart out,dancing and making a fool out of myself on stage and just laughing our ass from our lame jokes and actics.